Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to dress for an interview

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Here are some golden rules to impress your boss.
1. Make sure your clothes are neatly ironed and press.

2. Make sure your clothing fits properly.

3. Avoid flashy jewelry

4. Dress according to season.

5. Don't use perfume or aftershave. Your interviewer might be allergic to these.

6. Have a haircut that suits your face.

7.For men, have a clean shave.

8. For women, don't wear anything that is too revealing.

9. For women, don't overdo your make up. Avoid heavy eyeshadow, eyeliner and bright colored lipstick.

10. Make sure your belt matches the color of your shoes.
Besides this, it would be great to know about the cloth culture of your company and dress accordingly.
           Most importantly, the color of your clothing tells a lot about your personality. The right colors can help in conveying your confidence and also your ability to blend in with the environment of the company.

Speaking of colors, here are some tips:

1.Always go for solid colors over patterns. Clothes with much patterns distract your interviewer's attention.

2. Solid navy, dark grey and and black clothes look more professional.

3. Choose neutral colors like navy, grey, black and brown, not the bright ones. White looks great for a blouse or a button- down shirt.In fact, different colors tell different things about you.
Brown tells you are calm.

Blue conveys feelings of calm, trust and confidence.

Navy conveys authority and confidence.

Grey evokes sophistication and neutrality.

Black conveys a lot of power.

Red conveys energy and passion.

White stands for truth and simplicity.


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