Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What to wear for a first date for men

For Men
1. Dress for the occasion:

Have some plans as to where you would go for your first date and then get dressed accordingly.If you are going for a dinner, wear dark slacks with a long- sleeved, button- down shirt. If you are going for a movie, wear a nice pair of jeans and a slightly dressier shirt. Tuxedo is not the only compulsion but please don't show yourself up in the same attire you would wear around the house in a weekend morning. You can always ask your date about the dress code so that you won't look awkward as the pair.
Whatever you might wear, the clothes must be freshly laundered.

2. Dress in a way that puts your best look forward

Dressing this way will boost your confidence. Your pants should fit well around the waist and neither it should be too tight nor too baggy. The hems should hit around the bottom of your ankles.Shirts should cover your waist without falling past your butt. Upon choosing the shade of shirts, try the one that enhance your natural coloring. To highlight blue or green eyes, try a cool, dark color such as slate grey or navy blue. To highlight brown eyes, try a warm, light color like maroon.

3. Clean- up

 Looking clean makes you look appealing and hence will boost your confidence level. As to how to look clean, follow the steps mentioned below:-
shower and shave directly before you get dressed.
brush your teeth and floss your mouth
trim your nails.
style your hair using products like gel, mousse or hairclay which will make your hair look shiny and soft. 
put body spray but not too much.

4. Finish up your outfit

Take a lip balm or mint or anything else that you need to have and off you go.

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